Mode of Payments
Entrance Ticket Costs
FULL PACKAGE - $60.00 per person (non-student)
- $55.00 per person (student - need copy of student ID)
Includes all events for the weekend of Friday Milonga, Saturday Tango Ball, & Sunday Practilonga
Payments can be made either in Cash or Direct Credit banking.
Payment to: Cecilia Bale
Account: 38-9011-0098446-03
Reference: TR - Package & Your Name
Can be made at the Milongas & Practicas - prior to the event
References: (Please put your name and one or 2 of the below)
** TR - Package
** TR - Ball
** TR - Practica
WELCOME MILONGA - $15.00 per person
Includes teachers demo, non-alcohol drinks and snacks
@ Viva Dance Studio
TANGO BALL - $50.00 per person
Includes live music, teachers demo, non-alcohol drinks and supper, BYO
@ Mt. Albert War Memorial Hall
PRACTILONGA - $10.00 per person
Includes afternoon tea
@ Sacred Heart Hall
Terms and Conditions:
Cancellations & Refunds will be issued only 7 days prior to the event.